WANG BioMedical
Which Microscope
Which Use
WANG BioMedical microscopes are easy and convenient to operate and provide a high quality image.
To access the resources of WANG BioMedical in all facets of microscopy, from low cost educational microscopes to research photo systems from phase-contrast, interference contrast and polarizing research to epi-fluorescence microscopes; from easy to use stereo microscopes to professional zoom systems, contact WANG BioMedical today.

WANG BioMedical provides the market with top quality microscopes, produced to the high standards synonymous with the Wang BioMedical products.
They feature unmatched value for money and form the ultimate choice for those who require high performance within a tight budget.
The instruments include many accessories at no extra cost.
High performance microscopes for university students, physicians and polytechnic schools
The WANG 2000 series are based on high quality optics, precision mechanism and ergonomic sturdy body. Widely used in biology, histology, medicine and agricultural sciences they have a proven calibre.
Focusing limit control
In order to prevent collisions between the objectives and the specimen a lever is foreseen to prevent the stage move beyond a pre-set level.
Binocular observation tube
The superior turning binocular observation tube is the most professional binocular system available. Rotatable for comfortable viewing, the parfocality is maintained from 55 to 75 mm inter pupillary distance. The tube has a dioptre ring on one eyepiece to compensate for eye acuity.
Revolving nosepiece
The four position nosepiece rotates in precision ball bearings. The sealed construction has your objectives exactly centred, again and again.
Mechanical stage
The coaxial controls are positioned low for easy use. The ball-bearings guarantee smooth operation.
All plan-eyepieces are designed for flat field representation and have a wide field of view. One of the eyepieces is optionally provided with a needle for accurate pointing to details in the specimen. Various micro-meter reticles are available.
Focusing system
The precision mechanism is designed for years of continuous use. The coarse adjustment knob has a built-in control to increase or decrease the tension of the focusing knob. The fine adjustment works over the entire range for quick and accurate focusing.
Unprecedented resolution
The standard 2004 system is fitted with a set of semi-plan achromatic objectives for superior resolution. The semi-plan lenses differ from the normal achromatic objectives. They arecorrected to give a optimum of flat field representation, resulting in crisp and clear images over the entire area of view.
Improved colour images and less scatter light with the compact halogen light source. Excellent brightness control through the electronic power supply.

Student microscopes for high school level
Educational microscope with inclined monocular tube focal length 160 mm, wide field eyepiece WF 10x (FN 18 mm) for spectacles with pointer secured in tube, coarse and fine focusing, focusing limit control, mechanical stage 12 x 11 cm, standard DIN achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (spring) built-in condenser lens NA 0.65 calibrated 5 hole disk diaphragm, white painted stand, illumination 220-240 V 15W lamp with daylight conversion filter, power cord with Europlug, spare lamp.
Zoom stereo microscopes, the optimum economy alternative
Application area
The sharp images and high resolution make that these microscopes are used in the quality control departments of electronic, paper and textile industries. In research areas of biology and metallurgy the ease of use together with the increased working distance is highly appreciated. Dissection of animals and plants is another area of application where its value has been proven.
Zoom ratio
The zoom ratio ranges from 1:6 in the WANG 4000 series stereo microscopes. The ease of use of a zooming system is now available in an economy system.The sharpness is maintained over the entire area of view at all magnifications. An unmatched brightness is obtained by the redesigned optical system.
Long working distance
Most important for biological applications is the long working distance. Freely move you specimen under the microscope.
All plan-eyepieces are designed for flat field representation and have a wide field of view.
Photography set
Those who need photomicrography must consider the trinocular system. The standard photography set allows for professional micro-pictures.
Mechanical stage
The controls are positioned low for easy use. The bearings guarantee smooth operation. Sturdy material instead of plastic moulding guarantees stable positioning of the optics, year after year without the need for readjustment.
Cold light illumination
Even brightnes and long distance illumination has been accomplished with the halogen optical fibre illuminator. Your objects remain in excellent condition. Damaging infra-red radiation cannot reach your specimen due to the excellent infra-red blocking filter. The low-noise cooling system allows for long concentrated observation. For less demanding applications the basic adjustable halogen light source will be the powerful solution to your demands.

Research microscopes
The WANG 6000 series research microscopes are widely used in scientific research, clinical laboratories and universities and other educational establishments.
The microscopes are fitted with plan achromatic objectives, wide field eyepieces and plan achromatic condenser. All are trinocular systems that can be used with video cameras and normal 35 mm cameras. It has been proven to be the ideal instrument for biology, bacteriology, histology, cytology, pharmacology, chemistry, agriculture and animal husbandry.
The instrument can be fitted with accessories for darkfield, phase contrast, fluorescence, projection, drawing and CCTV. Many options have been made available, which ensure that the microscopes can be upgraded to meet your future needs.
The ergonomic design, the viewing height and the angle of the tubes together with the location of the coaxial controls guarantee a good body posture that eases the observation of specimens. Focusing has never been so accurate and sensitive as with the applied planetary gear. The focusing limit control allows you to quickly prefocus without the fear for damaging your precious sample or objective.
Modular design
Unmatched level in the price / performance ratio is due to the modular design. Tailor the instrument to your specific needs, add at any time the modules you require at that moment. The instrument can be equipped with darkfield, phase contrast, fluorescence, projection, drawing attachment and TV video-system. The incident light fluorescence module is installed without changing the height of the eyepieces and so the ergonomy of the microscope is maintained.
The series are fitted with quality optics and an efficient high power halogen illumination system. It comes standard with the universal trinocular head with integrated switchable beam splitter for video cameras and photomicrography.
Microscope body
The microscope body is an aluminium pressure cast construction for sturdiness. This adds significantly to the resolution of pictures taken with the higher magnifications. In its base the transformer has been built to add to the low point of gravity. The wide base offers good armrest for hours of continuous work. The light source is a 6V 30W halogen lamp with a stepless regulator and solid state voltage indicator in the front of the base.
Illumination system is sealed in the base and the high power lamp is at the back to prevent heating of the base. Dial to your requirements critical illumination or Köhler illumination, a feature that will be used again and again.The condenser mount is height adjustable.
Condensers for most applications
Made for easy exchange of the different condensers. The height stop is preset to obtain optimal Köhler illumination if selected. The standard condenser comes with a swing-in top lens for highresolving power at all magnifications. The universal turret condenser is used for brightfield, darkfield and phase contrast observation. The annular phase rings are easily centred. The turret allows for quick and accurate change from one technique to another. Special darkfield condensers for dry use complete the condenser range.
The nosepiece as a whole can be replaced in seconds to accept another nosepiece with the required objectives. The solution for those working with normal brightfield and all phase contrast techniques.
All objectives from WANG BioMedical range can be used in the 6000 series. The computer assisted design of the new PL objectives features increased brightness and maximised colour rendition Also flat field with fine edge definition to 20mm view index. Fluorescence objectives series FL have a particularly high transmission in the UV range, are strainfree and have an extremely low auto fluorescence level.
The eyepieces are available from a 6.3x to 16x with fields of view between 14 and 20 mm. For spectacle wearers the types with high eyepoints give maximum comfort. Graticules are to be inserted in the adjustable eyepieces for the microscopic measurements or counts.
Trinocular head
Video display of your specimen is the most favoured route to show it. Capture the image on your video printer or video recorder. The 6000 series accepts in its basic configuration any C-mount video camera. For the ultimate light sensitivity the a B/W active image amplifier from WANG BioMedical goes as low as 5mLux light level.
For observation through the binocular tube one switches off the light beam to the photo/video tube which increases the light output four times. Ideal for specimen with low fluorescence. The standard 35 mm K1000 camera has light measurement through the lens. For objects to thick to photograph a drawing device can be inserted to display a drawing area of 18 cm in the binocular tube.
The nosepiece has five positions and is turning in ball bearings for accurate centring of each objective. Objectives not in use always point to the back to give full access and view to the object stage and specimen. It facilitates routine work and the application of immersion oil.
Incident light fluorescenceImmuno-fluorescence is now a standard technique in many laboratories. Also in many other areas incident light fluorescence is used extensively. To maintain its ergonomic design and keep its height of view, the insert of the fluorescence unit takes the place of the removable nosepiece. Click the UV lamp to its position and work can begin. The unit comes with four filterboxes placed in a carousel for quickly change from one method to another which is important if your specimen is treated with more than one fluorochrome. The basic generic UV, violet, blue and green excitation beams cover more than 90% of the fluorescence applications. Individual filter boxes are easy to replace in the carousel to optimise for your requirements. Check our lists of available single dye filter sets and multi dye filter sets. Illumination can be with the standard mercury lamp or for sensitive specimen with the low voltage halogen lamp.